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    21.01.2015 - Bremen. Startup of wind turbine in Bremerhaven.

    Startup of wind turbine in Bremerhaven


    At its Bremerhaven New Year reception today, EUROGATE officially started up its second wind turbine. The new wind turbine is located at the Bremerhaven site and is the second the company has put into operation after Hamburg. The “green electricity” generated by the turbine will be used to cover the terminal’s own energy requirement. Standing 150 metres high, the wind turbine in Bremerhaven has an output of 3.4 megawatts. It will produce an annual energy yield of nine million kilowatt hours, sufficient to load and unload two million containers. EUROGATE is the first port operating company to install its own wind turbines. The terminal operator has relied on the use of regenerative energies for years, with the goal to lower CO2 emissions per container by 25% by 2020.  EUROGATE pursues an environmental strategy committed to ecological and economic goals that is characterised by consistent, systematic energy management.


    “Energy management is a key issue at EUROGATE,” says Emanuel Schiffer, Chairman of the EUROGATE Group Management Board. “We pursue a two-pronged strategy: on the one hand we are systematically investing in technologies that enable us to generate our own energy, whilst on the other we are continuously lowering our energy consumption by closely monitoring and analysing it and looking for ways to improve energy-related services. Our excellent energy management is not only the result of social responsibility. By choosing EUROGATE, customers choose an environmentally conscious service provider. Our energy policy helps us to stay competitive over the long term, because by operating our own wind turbines, EUROGATE is also freeing itself of its dependence on price developments in the power and energy markets.”


    Key figures for the EUROGATE wind turbines:









    Height overall

    150 m

    200 m

    Tower height

    98 m

    141 m

    Rotor diameter

    104 m

    117 m

    Length of each rotor blade

    52 m

    58.5 m


    3.4 megawatts

    2.4 megawatts

    Annual energy yield

    9 m kilowatt hours

    8.7 m kilowatt hours

    Co2 saving

    4,600 tonnes/year

    4,446 tonnes/year