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    EUROKAI – The tradition of innovation

    Since the strategic restructuring of EUROKAI GmbH & Co. KGaA in 1999, the company’s business activities have mainly encompassed the functions of a pure financial holding company.

    As its principal holdings, EUROKAI GmbH & Co. KGaA effectively holds a total of 83.3% of the shares in Contship Italia S.p.A., Melzo, Italy, the holding company of the CONTSHIP Italia Group, as well as 50% of the limited partnership capital in EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremen, a joint venture with the BLG LOGISTICS GROUP AG & Co. KG, Bremen.

    More than 75% of the company’s voting share capital is held by the Thomas H. Eckelmann family. The company has its headquarters in Hamburg.

    Leading in Europe

    The companies incorporated in the EUROKAI Group place the focus of their activities on container handling on the European continent. The companies – some in cooperation with partners – operate container terminals at the seaports of La Spezia, Cagliari, Ravenna and Salerno in Italy, in Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven in Germany, in Limassol (Cyprus), Lisbon (Portugal), Tangier (Morocco) and in Ust-Luga (Russia). Intermodal services – transports by rail to and from the sea terminals –, repairs, depot facilities, container trade, cargomodal services and technical services are offered as secondary services.